What to do when your life and a storm align?
“I want to ride that storm.”
“I assure you- I want it.”
The storm came during hurricane season.
Multiple whirlwinds lined up with the right temps, figures, and heights, to destroy anything in their path.
One from the east and one from the southwest.
Indistinguishable winds,
and winds from down under.
My Co-star told me –
“There is always an element of madness in poetry.”
Grey Gardens taught me,
“It’s hard to know the line between the past and the present.”
To ask nicely, Ab Fab taught me,
“Sweetie darling, sweetie darling.”
However- the winds broke-
the pattern had no answers or evidence-
what could we rely on but wind?
Ask for what you need.
Hold the line- walk that line-
Relive the trauma bond.
Nurture your nature.
Hurricane season will have come and gone.
Give in, let go.
But don’t give anything away you don’t want to.

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